

Definition: A japanese dish consisting of small balls or rolls of vinegar-flavoured cold rice served with a garnish of vegetables, egg, or raw seafood.
Meaning: Sushi là một món ăn nhật bản gồm cơm trộn giấm kết hợp với các nguyên liệu khác
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How to use "Sushi" vocabulary in sentence (example)

The most Instagrammed food is pizza, taking the lead in front of sushi and steak.

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There are hundreds of sushi restaurants with various price ranges in Tokyo and 22 of them have received Michelin stars.

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In Japan, sushi has traditionally been considered a delicacy.

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Sushi is made of vinegared rice, usually with some sugar and salt, accompanying a variety of ingredients, such as seafood, vegetables, and occasionally tropical fruits.

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The original type of sushi, nare-zushi, was first developed in Southeast Asia and then spread to southern China before its introduction to Japan sometime around the 8th century AD .

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Tokyo has many delicious foods like sushi and ramen.

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Tokyo is also famous for its delicious sushi, and you can even find conveyor belt sushi restaurants where plates of sushi move around on a belt.

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