

Definition: Each of the twelve named periods into which a year is divided.
Meaning: Tháng
Very Common
How to use "Month" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Every month, there are over 16 million Google searches for "Instagram.".

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There is an average of 42.38 million unique users a month who use the Android Facebook app.

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Around 19 million British people use eBay in a month, to sell old and new items.

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The UK also buys more items a month per capita than any other collective of countries in the world.

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You can pay a little a month, or you can pay it all back once you have the money.

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The truth is, whatever month of the year you come, it will be hot, but with slightly lower humidity levels the preferred time to visit is between November and February.

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Every month, YouTubers watch 6 billion hours of videos per month, and 4 billion videos every day.

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A person or family can make a budget for the month based on disposable income and know exactly how much money they will have that month to spend on things like rent or mortgage, food, insurance, car payments, and entertainment.

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Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 300 million active users logging in at least once a month.

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The men a month later return the gesture on "Howaito" white day.

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