

Definition: A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another river.
Meaning: Dòng sông
Not Common
How to use "Rivers" vocabulary in sentence (example)

The rivers Havel, Dahme and Spree run through Berlin.

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Otters can be found in unpolluted waters all over the world in marshland, freshwater rivers, lakes, oceans and coastlines.

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Most species of otters actually spend their time on the banks of rivers and other bodies of water when they're not hunting.

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This means that even though it usually lives on the land, it spends a great amount of time in rivers and lakes where males lead groups of 5 to 30 females and young.

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The city is crossed by two rivers: the Tiber, which runs from east to west, and l'Aniene, which runs from north east to north – within the city, it flows into the Tiber.

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Otherwise, snow typically melts seasonally, causing runoff into streams and rivers and recharging groundwater.

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The city is between the rivers of Llobregat and Besòs, and south of the Pyrenees mountains.

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They live near rivers, lakes, and oceans.

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