

Definition: Of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature.
Meaning: Ấm, ấm áp
How to use "Warm" vocabulary in sentence (example)

It's key to their survival to eat such great quantities, especially for sea otters, as they use up so much energy keeping themselves warm.

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The female eagle will spend most of the 35 days keeping her eggs warm, while the male ensures food is brought to the nest.

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It is filled with warm spicy Ginger soup with rice flour dumplings that have black sesame paste on the inside, it's texture is soft and chewy.

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Fog, like its elevated cousin stratus, is a stable cloud deck which tends to form when a cool, stable air mass is trapped underneath a warm air mass.

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Lays sold limited edition crisps covered in milk chocolate said to have a "salty-sweet combination, along with the texture contrast of warm melted chocolate and a crunchy chip".

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Otters have very thick fur to keep them warm.

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