

Definition: The state of being free from illness or injury.
Meaning: Sức khỏe, thể chất, sự lành mạnh
Very Common
How to use "Health" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Although it is possible for competitive swimmers to incur several injuries from the sport, such as tendinitis in the shoulders or knees, there are also multiple health benefits associated with the sport.

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These are the "good bacteria" responsible for all of yogurt's health benefits.

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Yogurt was brought to the US in the early 1900s and steadily increased in popularity as a health food item over the next several decades.

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It was once believed that eating cheese before bed could cause nightmares, but in fact it had health benefits.

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While kittens can drink their mother's milk, feeding them cow's milk could be very dangerous to their health.

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It is estimated Gates and his wife Melinda have given away $28 billion via their charitable foundation – including $8 billion to improve global health.

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His main areas of interest in philanthropy have been improving health, and in particular helping to reduce diseases, such as polio which affect young children.

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Traditionally, fish and chips were wrapped in greaseproof paper and a thick layer of newspaper which served not only as an insulator but also as a plate to make eating outdoors easier—because of health and safety control, however, chippies are no longer allowed to use paper anymore.

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It is an international hub for transport and health care, and has emerged as a centre for the arts, fashion, and entertainment.

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Health facilities in Manila are among the best in the region.

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The city government maintains numerous health centres as well as San Lazaro Hospital, where patients are treated free of charge, and subsidizes a number of government hospitals.

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Doughnuts can cause health problems if they are eaten too often.

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Doughnuts are a health concern in Canada where each person eats more doughnuts per year than any other country.

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ML is also used in health care for diagnosing diseases and planning treatments.

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