

Definition: The pits (bombs, cannon bullets, ...)
Meaning: Những cái hố (bom, đạn đại bác,...)
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How to use "Craters" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface features like those of the impact craters of the Moon, and valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps of Earth.

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Unlike many other planets which "self-heal" through natural geological processes, the surface of Mercury is covered in craters.

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Most Mercurian craters are named after famous writers and artists.

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The surface of Mercury is covered with craters.

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These craters are from impacts with comets and asteroids over billions of years.

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One of the largest craters is called Caloris Basin.

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Mercury has many craters on its surface.

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These craters are from rocks hitting Mercury long ago.

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