

Definition: The sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food.
Meaning: Trái cây
Not Common
How to use "Fruits" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Sushi is made of vinegared rice, usually with some sugar and salt, accompanying a variety of ingredients, such as seafood, vegetables, and occasionally tropical fruits.

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Various flavors and sweetening may be added, or natural yogurt may be mixed with fresh fruits or vegetables.

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Adding sauces made of berries, summer fruits, or even tropical fruits can be delicious.

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The plant matter consists of seeds, shrubs, grass, fruits and flowers while the insects they eat include locusts.

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If you live on a farm, you might grow all your own fruits and vegetables.

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Rarely do you see one farm that sells fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products.

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A farmer might grow several different kinds of fruits or a few different kinds of vegetables.

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This farmer then sells these fruits or vegetables to grocery stores or markets or even other countries.

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Their first pies were based on berries and fruits pointed out to them by the Native North Americans.

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Apart from apples, other fruits like apricot, blackberries and strawberries can also be used as the filling.

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Elephants love to eat grass, fruits, and leaves.

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Giraffes eat leaves, flowers, and fruits.

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