

Definition: The short, fine, soft hair of certain animals.
Meaning: Bộ da lông thú
Not Common
How to use "Fur" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Otters have the densest fur of the animal kingdom.

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Otters spend a large amount of time in the water, yet they still have fur.

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To ensure that they stay dry they must spend a significant portion of the day grooming themselves, coating their fur in saliva.

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This is possible because their fur is so dense, with around a million hairs per square inch.

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A lot of species of otters were once at risk of becoming extinct due to their highly sought-after fur.

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They have coarse, short fur that is yellowish tan in colour and covered in solid black spots.

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Historically, cheetahs have been hunted for their fur, but today some of the biggest threats to their survival are loss of habitat, and competition for resources.

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Tigers have orange fur with black stripes and a white belly.

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There are white tigers that have white fur with black stripes, or that even have pure white fur.

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Most Bengal tigers have orange fur.

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Otters have very thick fur to keep them warm.

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Sea otters have very thick fur to keep them warm in cold water.

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