

Definition: Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.
Meaning: Nóng, nóng bức
Very Common
How to use "Hot" vocabulary in sentence (example)

The next year, it started work in a factory in New Jersey, lifting and stacking pieces of metal that were too hot for people to touch.

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Small localized areas of low pressure can form from hot air rising off hot ground, resulting in smaller disturbances such as dust devils and whirlwinds.

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While many European custards get their firmness from adding eggs, gelatin makes panna cotta difficult to mess up, and eliminates the possibility that you will end up scrambling your eggs in hot custard mix.

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Hot chocolate was considered the sacred drink by the Aztecs.

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Spring dish gained immense popularity at the time of Tang and Song dynasty rule and in this period the dish was better known as five spice dish because of its hot and spicy flavor.

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Cold beverages like alcohol and soft drinks and hot beverages like tea and coffee are usually consumed with these Chinese rolls.

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Although not lifesaving, the idea is similar to that of those used in remote areas, delivering the product as quickly and as hot as possible.

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It's not that daily high temperatures are really stupidly high, it's more the fact that the city remains hot all year round.

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The truth is, whatever month of the year you come, it will be hot, but with slightly lower humidity levels the preferred time to visit is between November and February.

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It is marinated in brine with hot chili peppers, salty fish paste, leeks, ginger, sugar, and garlic.

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It has a hot summer Mediterranean climate.

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Venus has no oceans because it is much too hot for water.

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Doughnuts are often eaten in the morning, along with a cup of hot coffee.

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Mercury has very hot days and very cold nights.

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Marilyn became famous for her roles in movies like 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' and 'Some Like It Hot'.

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