

Definition: (of a person) clean, tidy, and well dressed.
Meaning: Khéo léo, tài tình, tỏ ra có trí thông minh
How to use "Smart" vocabulary in sentence (example)

While most people think that cats aren't as smart as dogs, they can also be trained - they just think it's a little bit beneath them!

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Smart phones can send and receive data much faster than older phones.

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Most smart phones use 3g technology to make them fast enough to practically use internet and other data features.

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Many smart phones introduced after 2010 use 4g technology including the later, even faster version of 4g known as Lte 5g is planned.

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So, the viability of smartphones and tablets as an e-reader is more encouraged by the people because they search for books to read on their smart devices.

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Marilyn Monroe was always seen as the gorgeous, blonde, sex symbol of the 50's, but the truth is that this lady was just as smart as she was beautiful.

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Dolphins are very smart animals.

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Elephants are very smart and can remember things for a long time.

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