

Definition: Fastest is a model-based testing tool that works with specifications written in the Z notation.
Meaning: Nhanh nhất
Not Common
How to use "Fastest" vocabulary in sentence (example)

The Pagani Huayra (not the BC) has the honor of the "fastest road-legal Top Gear lap ever" with a time of 01:13:08.

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Although Airbnb is very popular with young professionals, the fastest-growing client base for the company comes not from hip and trendy, twenty-something, but from senior citizens.

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Not only are senior citizens the fastest-growing client base for Airbnb, but they're also the most well behaved, with older women consistently showing as the highest-rated hosts on the platform.

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Because Mercury was the fastest planet as it moved around the Sun, it is named after the Roman deity Mercury, the messenger of the gods.

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The fastest horse ran over double the usual speed!

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For a regular horse, their top speed is approximately 27 miles per hour, although the fastest horse ever recorded could reach 55 miles per hour!

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The video to first reach 1 billion views the fastest was Hello by Adele.

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The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour.

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MareNostrum is the largest supercomputer in Southern Europe and the 93rd fastest in the world.

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