

Definition: A woman in relation to her child or children.
Meaning: Mẹ, mẹ đẻ
How to use "Mother" vocabulary in sentence (example)

As a child, Marilyn Monroe's mother, Gladys Pearl Baker, was institutionalised and then Norma Jeane, lived an orphanage and had eleven different sets of foster parents.The traumatic childhood made her shy and reserved.

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1946 was a pivotal year for Marilyn, she divorced her young husband and changed her name from, the boring, Norma Baker to the more glamorous Marilyn Monroe (a combination of a 20's star Marilyn Miller with Monroe, her mother's maiden name.).

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Some cats have a slightly different purr for when they're hungry, and mother cats also use their purr to communicate with their newly birthed kittens.

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While kittens can drink their mother's milk, feeding them cow's milk could be very dangerous to their health.

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Otters are usually found in small family groups with the mother and her young offspring.

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The father is usually chased away soon after a litter is born though, and the mother takes care of them until they're about a year old.

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It's quite common for a mother and her pup to hold each other's hands so that they don't drift away from each other while they sleep.

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Soon after birth, mother and young join schools that provide some protection against crocodiles, lions, and hyenas.

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A mother eagle will generally lay two eggs, although in most cases, one of the baby eagles is stronger than its sibling and will kill the weaker one.

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His father William gates sr was a senior lawyer, and his mother, Mary, served as an executive for a major bank.

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The calf stays with its mother for 0.5 years.

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