

Definition: The city or town that functions as the seat of government and administrative centre of a country or region.
Meaning: Thủ đô
How to use "Capital" vocabulary in sentence (example)

In 2008, Fenwick became the CEO of Bloomberg Ventures, a new venture capital division and Daniel Doctoroff, former deputy mayor in the Bloomberg administration, was named president and CEO, serving until September 2014.

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London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom, and is the largest urban area in Greater London.

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However, it did not become the capital city of England until the 12th century.

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Berlin is the capital city of Germany.

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They were a roaring success, shifting thousands of units, and securing that much-needed start-up capital.

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Tokyo, officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital of Japan.

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Mexico City has had many nicknames in the past including “City of the Palaces”, “City of Hope” and “Capital in Movement”.

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Many people referred to Hoi an as the commercial capital of the Champa Empire.

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Seoul is the biggest city of the Republic of Korea (South Korea), and its capital.

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Throughout its history, Seoul was known by a number of different names, and the name Seoul itself is believed to have originated from the Korean word for the capital city, Seoraneol.

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Angkor is was the capital city of the Khmer Empire.

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Bangkok is the capital and most populous city of Thailand.

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To the outside world, the capital of Thailand has long been known as Bangkok, but this is not what the Thai people call it.

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Manila, capital and chief city of the Philippines.

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Amsterdam is the capital and largest city in the European country of the Netherlands.

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Rome is the capital city of Italy.

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It is also the capital and largest city in the region of Lazio, and the geographical region of Latium.

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Paris (nicknamed the "City of light") is the capital city of France, and the largest city in France.

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Paris was the Capital of the French Empire which, as well as France, covered Spain, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, most of Germany and some of Austria, Croatia, Slovenia and Poland.

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Today, Iceland, Japan, and Portugal are the greatest consumers of seafood per capital in the world.

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Barcelona is the capital city of Catalonia, which is a region of Spain.

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With over 8.20 million international visitors per year (2016), the Catalan capital is also the 12th most visited city in the world, surpassing Taipei (15th) and Shanghai (19th).

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Amsterdam has only officially been the capital of the Netherlands since 1983.

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Widely regarded prior to this as the economic and cultural "capital" of the Netherlands, Amsterdam was only officially recognized as the capital in the early 80s.

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Before this, despite a lack of clarity on the country's actual capital, Den Haag (The Hague) was considered to be the capital of the Netherlands as this is where the government resided (and still do to this day), making it the country's hub of political power.

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The region is regarded as one of those with the highest number or restaurants or cafes per capital.

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London is the capital of England.

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Tokyo is the capital city of Japan.

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Today, London is the capital of the United Kingdom and one of the most visited cities in the world.

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Tokyo, the bustling capital of Japan, is a city full of surprises and excitement.

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Edo became Tokyo in 1868 when Emperor Meiji moved the capital from Kyoto to this new, vibrant city.

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