

Definition: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
Meaning: Quốc gia
Very Common
How to use "Countries" vocabulary in sentence (example)

As you can see, the world is full of incredible countries with amazing things to see and do.

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These people come from many different countries.

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There are also many people from different countries who stay in London on business.

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This breakthrough in online lodging has become a massive success, bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars annually and operating in a staggering 192 countries worldwide.

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In only eleven years, they have conquered the four corners of the globe, reaching a staggering 192 countries worldwide.

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The only countries they are not available in are either war-torn or living under a military dictatorship, which is totally understandable.

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A salad of yogurt, cucumbers, and spices is served in India (raita) and several Middle Eastern countries (jajik) and Greece (tzatziki or tarator).

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Sprite is available in more than 190 countries.

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Some elements of football have been seen in many countries, dating back to the second and third century AD in China.

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The UK also buys more items a month per capita than any other collective of countries in the world.

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Pancake Day, also known as Shrove Tuesday, is a special day that's celebrated in mostly English speaking countries around the world.

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This farmer then sells these fruits or vegetables to grocery stores or markets or even other countries.

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The same is true of families, towns, and even countries.

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In warmer countries, this amount is even higher.

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In certain countries, including France, horse meat is considered an expensive delicacy.

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Although it is illegal in several other countries, the French enjoy eating horse heart and horse brains.

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In many countries, the eagle is thought to bring good luck, which is one reason it has been featured on various national flags.

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Trade flourishes within the metropolitan area and between the city and the provinces and other countries.

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Unlike most other countries, the national government is not in Amsterdam, but in The Hague.

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It has people living there from 175 different countries.

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It now operates in the Southeast Asian countries of Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Japan.

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Each time the company enters a new market, they buy smartphones for drivers in countries that they expand to, allowing those drivers to pay daily instalments for the phone.

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It was a decade where women received the vote in several western countries.

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The top five countries that use Instagram, in order of popularity, are the United States, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, and the United Kingdom.

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Samsung truly are a world-wide employer, in 79 countries they employ over 236,000 staff.

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You can travel to different countries in VR without needing a passport.

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