

Definition: A continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied.
Meaning: Khoảng trống, khoảng cách, không gian vũ trụ, khoảng thời gian
Very Common
How to use "Space" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Visits by more space probes have been proposed.

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Our solar system is a region of space.

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Four other spacecraft will eventually hit interstellar space.

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The Great Wall of China cannot be seen from space by the human eye without aid.

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They sent 2 Nexus S handsets running Android Gingerbread into space to test their sensors in orbit aboard the International Space Station.

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NASA used the laptop in its Space Shuttle program, in the 1980s.

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The first cat to take a trip to space was called Félicette.

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On the October 18, 1963 a black and white tuxedo cat named C 341 was rocketed out into space, making world history.

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The space occupied by the teeth is greater than that occupied by the brain.

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Often the picture will change when the user moves their head, they may be able to "walk" through this virtual space.

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They maybe see things in that space from different directions, and move things in that space.

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While working at the Patent Office, Einstein continued his own scientific discoveries and began radical experiments to consider the nature of light and space.

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YouTube opened a production space in Los Angeles that is free to use - but only if you have at least 10,000 subscribers.

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This theory changed how we understand time and space.

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