

Definition: Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
Meaning: Đơn nhất; độc nhất vô nhị, chỉ có một, độc đáo
How to use "Unique" vocabulary in sentence (example)

This astounding piece of automotive beauty is actually the first Arab Supercar and only had 7 vehicles produced each one fully customizable to make them as unique as possible.

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There are some fantastic unique places available to rent on Airbnb if you're in an adventurous kind of mood.

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Each of the independently owned shops and cafes have their own feel which creates a unique composition.

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There is an average of 42.38 million unique users a month who use the Android Facebook app.

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Modern Mexicans are a unique blend of many ancient civilizations, including the Olmec, Zapotec, Toltec, Maya, Aztec, Inca, African, French, and Spanish.

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While we've seen black and even pink sand beaches in places like Greece and Costa Rica, Bali has some of the most unique we've ever seen!

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What really makes some of these temples unique is the water features.

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Otter poop has such a unique smell that it has even ended up with its own name - spraint.

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Its buildings and its street plan reflect the influences, both indigenous and foreign, that have combined to produce this unique heritage site.

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The town reflects a fusion of indigenous and foreign cultures (principally Chinese and Japanese with later European influences) that combined to produce this unique survival.

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Therefore, the city offers unique cooking classes which are quickly becoming a popular tourist activity.

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With impressive monuments, several different ancient urban plans and large water reservoirs, the site is a unique concentration of features testifying to an exceptional civilization.

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There is something unique about this taste combination.

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Another unique street food dish is "Massaman Gai," which is a curry that comes from Persia.

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These can be wrapped or serve in other unique ways.

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The bamboo gives this dessert a unique taste.

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There is also a unique dessert that can be found in Thai street markets called "Bua Loy Nam King" or Black sesame dumplings in ginger soup.

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The landscape, culture and food all amalgamate into the unique atmosphere and feeling of Barcelona.

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In his day, contemporary reports indicated Da Vinci was a unique person, with a physical beauty, dignified presence and strong moral character.

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You love discovering diversified cultures with unique architectures, so come to Barcelona, Spain!

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For a unique experience, buy a ticket for the Petra by Night tour during one night of your stay.

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Each dolphin has a unique whistle, like a name.

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Each cat's nose print is unique, just like human fingerprints.

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Ever wonder why cats always land on their feet? This is due to their 'righting reflex,' a unique ability to turn their bodies in mid-air.

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Each cat's nose print is unique, much like a human fingerprint.

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There are over 70 different cat breeds, each with unique characteristics and personalities.

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