

Definition: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
Meaning: Máy tính
Very Common
How to use "Computers" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Most CPUs used in desktop (home) computers are microprocessors made by either Intel or Advanced Micro Devices (usually shortened to AMD).

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Nowadays most desktop computers use either 32 bit CPUs or 64 bit CPUs.

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Some chips with microprocessors inside them also contain other components, and are complete single chip "computers".

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The Internet is the biggest worldwide communication network of computers.

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Many computers can store and retrieve information using hard drives.

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Computers can be connected together to form networks, allowing connected computers to communicate with each other.

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Modern computers can do billions of calculations in a second.

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Being able to calculate many times per second allows modern computers to multitask, which means they can do many different tasks at the same time.

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Computers do many different jobs where automation is useful.

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Some examples are controlling traffic lights, vehicles, computers, security systems, washing machines and digital televisions.

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Computers can be designed to do almost anything with information.

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Computers are used to control large and small machines which in the past were controlled by humans.

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Laptop computers were not Ibm compatible until 1986.

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In the 1990s, with such companies as Dell, Apple and Gateway competing to make useful portable computers, laptop technology rapidly advanced.

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However, computers come in many shapes and sizes, and they perform many different functions in our daily lives.

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Many people use desktop computers at work, home, and school.

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Desktop computers are designed to be placed on a desk, and they're typically made up of a few different parts, including the computer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

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Laptops are battery powered computers that are more portable than desktops, allowing you to use them almost anywhere.

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Tablet computers or tablets are handheld computers that are even more portable than laptops.

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A server is a computer that serves up information to other computers on a network.

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Because smartphones are small computers, they run an operating system that is often common between devices to ensure compatibility.

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The template for all modern computers is the Von Neumann architecture, detailed in a 1945 paper by Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann.

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Performing such hardware upgrades may be necessary for older computers to meet a program's system requirements.

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Legislation makes it mandatory to recycle computers through the government approved facilities.

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An ebook is a book-length digital publication that can be read on electronic devices, such as computers, eReaders, and tablets.

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It means teaching computers to learn from data.

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ML allows computers to learn and make decisions without being explicitly programmed.

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AI is a type of technology that allows computers to think and learn like humans.

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