

Definition: Area, surface, area, area, extent
Meaning: Diện tích, bề mặt, vùng, khu vực, phạm vi
Very Common
How to use "Areas" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Major attractions in the rural areas include 24 parks, woodlands, reservoirs, hills and a beautiful coastline.

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It was built in different areas by different dynasties to protect different territorial borders.

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Small localized areas of low pressure can form from hot air rising off hot ground, resulting in smaller disturbances such as dust devils and whirlwinds.

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Some ostriches live in areas of the Sahara desert.

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They are now extinct in those areas.

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Some food grows better in certain areas of the world.

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In remote areas, such as Africa, drones are used for the shipment of live-saving medical equipment and medication where human transport would be too time consuming.

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Although not lifesaving, the idea is similar to that of those used in remote areas, delivering the product as quickly and as hot as possible.

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The city is bordered by eight mountains, as well as the more level lands of the Han River plain and western areas.

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Eagles living in forested areas will likely have shorter wing spans, while those living in open areas will have longer wing spans.

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His main areas of interest in philanthropy have been improving health, and in particular helping to reduce diseases, such as polio which affect young children.

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Cheetahs require large areas of land for survival, so increased human settlements and road construction in their habitat puts them at risk.

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Major snow-prone areas include the polar regions, the northernmost half of the Northern Hemisphere and mountainous regions worldwide with sufficient moisture and cold temperatures.

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In the Southern Hemisphere, snow is confined primarily to mountainous areas, apart from Antarctica.

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In areas of Asia where the peacock is hunted, they are not often seen and remain wary and shy of their surroundings.

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The Indian peacock is thought to be instinct now in Bangladesh, although it still remains popular around areas of Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka.

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Two higher areas called continents make up the north and south of the planet.

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Samsung's business empire stretches across many different areas not just technology.

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Mercedes also debuted a vehicle driving 62 miles in numerous areas including cities, villages and motorways.

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