

Definition: The part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water.
Meaning: Đất
Very Common
How to use "Land" vocabulary in sentence (example)

These properties don't come cheap and are often sold out year-round, so move fast if you have the option to land yourself one of these dream-come-true properties, even if it's just for the night.

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Ostriches have the biggest eyes of all land animals.

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Since a lot of the Earth is covered by water, the total surface area of the Mars is nearly as large as all of the land on the Earth.

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Cats have a natural ability to land on their feet called the "righting reflex".

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The majority of otters spend most of their time on land.

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There's also no single collective noun for them - if there's a group of otters on the water they are called a raft, but if they're on land they can be called a bevy, family, romp, or lodge!

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The hippopotamus is generally considered the third largest land mammal (after the White rhinoceros and elephant).

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This means that even though it usually lives on the land, it spends a great amount of time in rivers and lakes where males lead groups of 5 to 30 females and young.

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This is why hippo calves can suckle on land or underwater.

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Hippos will travel on land for up to 10km to feed.

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However, if threatened on land it will often run for water.

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The eyes of a horse are bigger than those of any other land mammal, and the fact they are located on the side of their heads means they can see almost 360 degrees.

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Another interesting fact about Bangkok is its land size.

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Giraffes have an even number of toes and are the tallest land animals.

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The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour.

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Cheetahs require large areas of land for survival, so increased human settlements and road construction in their habitat puts them at risk.

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The main difference between the two is that turtle is the name given to water dwellers and tortoise is the name given to land dwellers.

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Set over a 5 mile stretch of land, Machu Picchu has nearly 200 known buildings, with more being uncovered regularly in further excavation works.

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Giraffes are the tallest animals on land!

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Did you know that elephants are the largest land animals?

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Otters are fascinating creatures that live in water and on land.

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