

Definition: Animals, animals
Meaning: Động vật, thú vật
How to use "Animals" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Chobe National Park and Mokolodi Nature Reserve provide thrilling ways to see animals and nature up close, while the Botswana National Museum is the ideal stop for lovers of art.

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The ancient Eastern tribes who were nomadic shepherds preserved their milk, from cows, sheep, goats, horses and camels, in containers made from these animals' skins or from their stomachs.

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Ostriches have the biggest eyes of all land animals.

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You can't travel to Bali Indonesia without running into these furry and adventurous animals.

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Otters are very social animals.

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The hippopotamus is one of the most aggressive creatures in the world and is often regarded as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.

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Horses are thirsty animals!

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While zebras and horses are often considered to be totally different animals, they can breed with each other to create "zebroids".

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Giraffes have an even number of toes and are the tallest land animals.

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Females form groups of 4-32 animals.

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Cheetahs will also feed on wildebeest calves and, occasionally, smaller animals including rabbits, hares and birds.

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Snow affects ecosystems, as well, by providing an insulating layer during winter under which plants and animals are able to survive the cold.

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Tigers are solitary animals.

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Reptiles are cold blooded animals that raise their body temperature by lying in the sun or lower it by crawling into the shade.

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It's easy to get sucked into mindless scrolling when you're on Instagram, especially if you follow a lot of accounts that post photos and videos of adorable animals.

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Dogs are amazing animals and wonderful friends.

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Elephants are one of the most interesting animals in the world.

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They are the largest land animals on Earth.

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Giraffes are the tallest animals on land!

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They eat plants, insects, and small animals.

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Giraffes are the tallest land animals on Earth.

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Giraffes are social animals and live in groups called towers.

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Did you know that elephants are the largest land animals?

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Cats are amazing animals and great pets.

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