The animal is one of the very familiar topics to us but contains many miracles that we have never known.
So Ettip invites you to learn English with Ettip and discover close animals but there are many new things about them that you do not know yet.
Giải nghĩa: A brief, sharp, not particularly loud, relatively high-pitched sound produced by the impact of something small and hard against something hard, such as by the operation of a switch, a lock or a latch, or a finger pressed against the thumb and then released to strike the hand.
Giải nghĩa: A person's internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation, based on or tied to physical state and sensory data.
Giải nghĩa: Evidence of a long-term debt, by which the bond issuer (the borrower) is obliged to pay interest when due, and repay the principal at maturity, as specified on the face of the bond certificate. the rights of the holder are specified in the bond indenture, which contains the legal terms and conditions under which the bond was issued. bonds are available in two forms: registered bonds, and bearer bonds.