

Definition: Remain alive.
Meaning: Sống, hoạt động
Very Common
How to use "Live" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Some of the leading trade shows where they are doing so are the Web Summit in Portugal, WSJ D Live Asia in Hong Kong, World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

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Gradually, more people came to live there.

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About 3,700,000 people live there.

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Live tuna auctions are the main attraction, which take place every morning at 5 am sharp.

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Ostriches now only live in Africa.

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They live in open grassland called savannas in the Sahel, and in parts of East Africa and south west Africa.

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Some ostriches live in areas of the Sahara desert.

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In 1937, the first live coverage of a football match was shown on television.

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Hard cheeses have a longer shelf live than soft cheeses.

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If you live on a farm, you might grow all your own fruits and vegetables.

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And unless you live on a farm, you are dependent on others for all kinds of food.

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So, many people who live in China and Southeast Asia grow rice, which they then sell to people around the world.

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If you live in the African desert and you want to eat rice, you are dependent on other people to grow that rice and sell it to you.

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While river otters mostly live off fish, crayfish and crabs, sea otters have a more interesting method of sustaining themselves.

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Otters survive by hunting, and as such they live in unpolluted waters.

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A hippo can live for up to 40 years.

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In remote areas, such as Africa, drones are used for the shipment of live-saving medical equipment and medication where human transport would be too time consuming.

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Horses which have been tamed usually live to be around 25 years old.

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The eagle featured on US currency was modeled on a real bald eagle named Peter who used to live on top of the US Mint.

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Although eagles can live up to 70 years, this isn't always the case and they normally become weaker towards the end of their lives, unable to hunt as they used to.

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Lions are the only big cats to live in groups, called prides.

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About 2.2 million people live in the metropolitan area.

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They live on the Savannah, which is the African grassland, or in light woodland.

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They do not live in thick forests where it is difficult to see predators, such as lions, approaching.

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Giraffes live alone or in groups.

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Adult males live alone.

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Giraffes live around 25 years in the wild and 28 years in captivity.

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Cheetahs have evolved to live in an environment where water is scarce, and can survive on one drink every three to four days.

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Males however, live in small family groups of 2-3 brothers, known as coalitions.

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The area is 105 square kilometres (41 square miles), and around 2.15 million people live there.

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However, in 2013, the Vatican announced that another way you can achieve this is by following the Pope and keeping up with live events such as the Catholic World Youth Day on Twitter.

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Refrigerator is considered as an important electronic device for the people who live in the developed world.

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When they are domesticated, some will live up to 50 years.

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However, in the wild where life is riskier, peacocks and peahens generally live up to 20 years.

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Around 3.1 million people live in the Metropolitan Area and 4.9 million people live in the Urban Region.

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Halong Bay is approximately 579 square miles in size and is home to approximately 1600 fishermen who live in floating villages.

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Because of this, snakes that live in colder climates must hibernate through the winter.

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They live almost everywhere, in deserts, forests, oceans, streams, and lakes.

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Snakes live on the ground, in trees, and in water.

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Maybe one day, humans will live on Mars!

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