

Definition: Human beings in general or considered collectively.
Meaning: Dân tộc, dòng giống
Very Common
How to use "People" vocabulary in sentence (example)

People who classify it as a torte point to the presence of many eggs, which are the sole source of leavening, as a key factor.

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All its people lived inside the walls that were built by the Romans.

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Gradually, more people came to live there.

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Most people in London are British.

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These people come from many different countries.

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There are also many people from different countries who stay in London on business.

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Many people visit London as tourists.

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After the decline of the Roman Empire, few people remained in London.

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In the 9th century, more people started living in London again.

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About 3,700,000 people live there.

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After the Berlin Wall was built in 1961 very few people were allowed to cross from East Berlin into West Berlin.

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The wall divided the city until 1989 when the East German government decided to allow anyone to cross, and people decided to destroy the wall.

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Tornadoes are especially dangerous to people in cars or mobile homes and about 60 people are killed by tornadoes every year.

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They can tear houses to pieces and often leave people homeless.

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Of the 10 richest people in the United States, four of them are Waltons.

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While logic may dictate that the majority of people are looking for big, spacious rentals, that isn't always the case.

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In fiction, however, robots usually look like people, and seem to have a life of their own.

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People have been interested in building machines to do work for us for a long time.

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The most successful robot designs in the 20th century were not made to look like people.

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The next year, it started work in a factory in New Jersey, lifting and stacking pieces of metal that were too hot for people to touch.

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They do not look like people, because they are made to do things.

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People still think of robots as having a shape like a person-two legs, two arms, and a head.

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The oldest writings mentioning yogurt were by Pliny the Elder, who said that some people knew how to thicken the milk into something which was sour but tasty.

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Storms do kill people.

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Today, people can pay money to access the Internet from internet service providers.

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Sometimes people who offer these free services use advertising to make money.

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Instant messaging (such as AIM or ICQ) is similar to email, but allows two or more people to chat to each other faster.

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People often send secret information, and sometimes other people can steal that information.

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Most people have used a personal computer in their home or at work.

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With tens of millions of people using it, they can't be doing too badly for themselves over at Google!

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With an estimated population of over 129 million people, Mexico has 68 official languages.

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The Aztecs sacrificed 1% of their population every year or about 250,000 people.

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Instead of running away like many people would have, he stayed and worked to pay his debt.

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Today, it is the most popular sport in the world and many people watch it on television, especially the FIFA World Cup that happens every four years.

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Here are 10 exciting facts about eBay that will leave you wanting to discover some of the mysteries people list online.

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Around 19 million British people use eBay in a month, to sell old and new items.

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People once believed the proverb that 'the moon is made of green cheese'.

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These events left hundreds of thousands of people stranded on Bali island!

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In 2015, over 500 people died in traffic accidents on Bali roads with that number increasing every year.

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Today people use the terms notebooks and laptops interchangeably.

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In France, people like to make a wish before flipping their pancakes.

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When most people hear the word computer, they think of a personal computer such as a desktop or laptop.

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Many people use desktop computers at work, home, and school.

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It's been scientifically proven that cat owners are healthier people.

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Most people associate a cat's purr with it being happy, but that's not always true.

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While most people think that cats aren't as smart as dogs, they can also be trained - they just think it's a little bit beneath them!

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If you think of yourself as a "cat person", you're among 11.5% of people in the world.

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On the other hand, "dog people" make up 45% of the world.

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"Cat people" are said to be more open people, but also a bit more neurotic.

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"Dog people" are quite different, and are said to be more extroverted and hard-working.

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Farmers today usually specialize in one or a few kinds of food that they grow to sell to other people.

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So, many people who live in China and Southeast Asia grow rice, which they then sell to people around the world.

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If you live in the African desert and you want to eat rice, you are dependent on other people to grow that rice and sell it to you.

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Interdependence is the idea that you as a person depend on other people for certain things.

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The people who use their own hands to make everything they could ever want are rare these days.

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More common are people like you, who get different things from different people.

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Let's hope they don't develop a taste for people!

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Many people referred to Hoi an as the commercial capital of the Champa Empire.

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The more money you owe other people, the more debt you have.

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The more debt you have, the less people will want to give you things without your paying full price for them.

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Most people pay the money back a little a time.

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Banks like credit card accounts because people always end up paying more than the original price for an item and the banks get that extra money in the form of interest.

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Many people think that when a horse is lying down that means it's sick.

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They're not so different than us people.

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Spotting an eagle is a rare moment for many people, but when the chance arises, how much do you actually know about these beautiful birds?

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When there is more supply, this will cause prices to fall because people will not want to pay more for items that can be found easily.

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When there is more demand, prices will go up because many people want to buy the same item but there is not enough supply for it.

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As the principal founder of Microsoft, Bill gates is one of the most influential and richest people on the planet.

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Further to the south, people make their wontons with egg wrappers and fill them with a combination of pork and shrimp, while in Cantonese cuisine, wontons are often served as an appetizer, deep fried and smothered in sweet and sour sauce.

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People use this expression when talking about things like blue jeans, baseball and rock-n-roll music.

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To the outside world, the capital of Thailand has long been known as Bangkok, but this is not what the Thai people call it.

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This concentration of people has been brought about by a constant rural-urban migration.

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About 838,000 people were living in Amsterdam in 2016.

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About 2.2 million people live in the metropolitan area.

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It has people living there from 175 different countries.

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The city was for the first time mentioned in 1275 by count Floris V, count of Holland and Zeeland who gave the people of Amsterdam some more freedom.

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When the city of Antwerp fell to the Spanish in 1585, many people of Antwerp fled to Amsterdam.

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Antwerp was also a major trading city, and when its people moved to Amsterdam, they took their trading networks with them.

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The number of people living in Amsterdam during the War rose from less than 30,000 in 1570 to over 100,000 in 1622.

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That number would even rise to 200,000 near the end of the 17th century, making the city a very large city for its time (only London and Paris also had that many people).

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In the 18th century, the number of people living in Amsterdam fell back to 140,000, ending the Golden Age.

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Thai street food is a market place in Thailand where vendors set up stalls to sell food and people buy to enjoy on the go or directly on nearby tables.

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One common thing that people do when they don't have money right away to pay for something is to use a credit card or otherwise borrow money.

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Even though going back to university has a big opportunity cost, many people think it is a good decision because increased education gives you more job opportunities.

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It is on the Tiber River and has 2.8 million people.

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An estimate by the OECD put the number of people in the city area of Rome at 3.47 million.

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The area is 105 square kilometres (41 square miles), and around 2.15 million people live there.

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If suburbs are counted, the population of the Paris area rises to 12 million people.

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The city has a multi cultural style, because 20% of the people there are from outside France.

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While many users know the basics about Twitter, such as its 280-character limit for tweets, there are many interesting facts which most people won't have heard about before.

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Hashtags are designed to help users connect to a particular theme or topic, and they are often used during events and conferences to help people find posts about the same thing.

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However he was more interested in ensuring that people could freely use it so the idea would catch on quickly.

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So the Library decided that it would retain only certain tweets for the interest and benefit of the American people.

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Even people who use Twitter on a regular basis may not know that the name of the blue bird is Larry.

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While people had questioned and speculated about whether Larry the bird had a name or not, it was confirmed in a tweet by Ryan Sarver, a Twitter manager.

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However, many people have noted that a large percentage of celebrity followers are often fake accounts, and Justin Bieber's following is only thought to be 50% real accounts.

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In 2007, Twitter started to experience big growth, and its communications and media team would take advantage of popular conference and events in order to maximize usage and get more people to sign up.

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It has become one of the most iconic selfies of all time, as well as being a hugely popular tweet, and many people have sought to replicate it on social media with their own selfies.

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Over one billion people rely on seafood as their primary source of animal protein.

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Refrigerator is considered as an important electronic device for the people who live in the developed world.

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London has more than 8 million people living there.

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People in London speak over 300 different languages.

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Over 37 million people live in Tokyo.

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People in Tokyo are very polite and helpful.

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Horses have excellent memories and can remember places and people for many years.

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