At the Lost Gardens of Heligan in the United Kingdom, you will find pineapples grown in mud structures heated with rotting manure.
View moreAlthough you will probably never be able to taste one for yourself, staff describes the taste as "deliciously sweet, not stringy, and with an explosive flavor".
View moreOn the plus side, at least the legacy of these pineapples will make us appreciate the lowly cost of our standard Dole pineapples at the grocery store!
View moreThe player who is unable to return the ball will not gain a point, while the opposite player will.
View moreIf a tiny garden studio or an igloo isn't for you, you will be pleased to hear that Airbnb also has some enormous properties for rent on its site.
View moreFour other spacecraft will eventually hit interstellar space.
View moreThe city has hosted multiple international events, including the Summer Olympics (1964), the G7 Summit (1979, 1986, and 1993), and will host the 2020 Summer Olympics and the 2020 Summer Paralympics.
View moreWhile many European custards get their firmness from adding eggs, gelatin makes panna cotta difficult to mess up, and eliminates the possibility that you will end up scrambling your eggs in hot custard mix.
View moreThe only thing you need know about this dessert besides the recipe is that you will need to prepare the dessert in advance so it has time to chill.
View moreThis will easily give the custard the desired thickness needed, and adds little to no flavor to the dish.
View moreHere are 10 exciting facts about eBay that will leave you wanting to discover some of the mysteries people list online.
View moreEBay will remain to be an auctioneer's paradise, where bidding wars can happen from the comfort of your very own home.
View more“Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth”.
View moreMost tour companies offer day trips that will take 9-10 hours to complete just to the north and back.
View moreHowever, between October and April you will likely experience daily showers, with sporadic thunderstorms mixed in.
View moreAs you explore the island of Bali, you will see many Hindu temples, decorations, and offerings displayed everywhere you look.
View moreDuring certain times of the year, you will see these hanging proudly and beautifully above every main street.
View moreThe dimension of the laptop's screen dictates how large the machine itself will be.
View moreDuring mating season, or when there's an abundance of food you will find much larger groups of otters.
View moreNo matter the size of the group though, you will always find them playing around, wrestling, chasing their tails and having an otterly great time.
View moreThe process of surfacing and breathing is automatic, and even a hippo sleeping underwater will rise and breathe without waking.
View moreHippos will travel on land for up to 10km to feed.
View moreHowever, if threatened on land it will often run for water.
View moreWith these factors, soon enough the law will tighten on these crafts and the limitations and regulations regarding their use will limit the fun a normal person with a few bucks can have.
View moreThe more debt you have, the less people will want to give you things without your paying full price for them.
View moreThings that cost lots of money (like houses and cars) will generally not be bought entirely with cash.
View moreIt's far more likely that you the car-buyer or house-buyer will have to borrow money from a bank (or a friend) in order to buy that house or car.
View moreA group of horses will not go to sleep at the same time - at least one of them will stay awake to watch out for the others.
View moreHorses are big fans of water, and will drink a minimum of 25 gallons every single day.
View moreZebras will also mate with donkeys and produce "zonkeys".
View moreEagles living in forested areas will likely have shorter wing spans, while those living in open areas will have longer wing spans.
View moreA mother eagle will generally lay two eggs, although in most cases, one of the baby eagles is stronger than its sibling and will kill the weaker one.
View moreThe female eagle will spend most of the 35 days keeping her eggs warm, while the male ensures food is brought to the nest.
View moreSome eagles will feed on mainly fish, while others feed on other, smaller mammals.
View moreBaby eagles of the larger species will weigh around 8-9 (3.5 - 4 kg) pounds after just a few days.
View moreThis relationship will fix the price for a certain type of good.
View moreIn perfect competition, the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied will be equal.
View moreIf the demand increases, and the supply remains the same, there will be a shortage, and the price will increase.
View moreIf the demand decreases, and the supply remains the same, there will be a surplus, and the price will go down.
View moreIf the supply increases, and the demand remains the same, there will be a surplus, and the price will go down.
View moreIf the supply decreases, and the demand remains the same, there will be a shortage, and the price will increase.
View moreWhen there is more supply, this will cause prices to fall because people will not want to pay more for items that can be found easily.
View moreWhen there is more demand, prices will go up because many people want to buy the same item but there is not enough supply for it.
View moreOften the picture will change when the user moves their head, they may be able to "walk" through this virtual space.
View moreThey will definitely give a different flavor to the pie.
View moreThe truth is, whatever month of the year you come, it will be hot, but with slightly lower humidity levels the preferred time to visit is between November and February.
View moreLionesses are caring mothers who will even take care of a neglected cub, allowing him/her to suckle and giving them a chance to survive.
View moreThey will perform peaceful tactile actions such as licking each other and rubbing heads.
View moreIn general, the more money you make, the more disposable income you will have (although you are also taxed at a higher rate).
View moreA person or family can make a budget for the month based on disposable income and know exactly how much money they will have that month to spend on things like rent or mortgage, food, insurance, car payments, and entertainment.
View moreIf you don't have any money set aside as savings, you will have a difficult time paying your other bills because you will have to borrow some of what you've earmarked for food to pay hospital beds.
View moreAnd the longer you take to pay back the loan, the more money you will pay in the end.
View moreThis is because you will be paying not only the money that you borrowed but also the interest on that money that you borrowed.
View moreCheetahs will also feed on wildebeest calves and, occasionally, smaller animals including rabbits, hares and birds.
View moreMaking hardware requires energy, and recycling parts will reduce air pollution, water pollution, as well as greenhouse gas emissions.
View moreAt 100% relative humidity, the air cannot hold additional moisture, thus, the air will become supersaturated if additional moisture is added.
View moreThe marine layer, and any fogbank it may contain, will be "squashed" when the pressure is high, and conversely, may expand upwards when the pressure above it is lowering.
View moreThe rate of spoilage will be decreased significantly when the foods are kept inside the fridge due to the low level of bacteria reproduction.
View moreNext time you look at a peacock, here are some fun & feathery facts which will make you even more amazed than before!
View moreWhen they are domesticated, some will live up to 50 years.
View moreWhen breeding time comes around each year, the peacock will try to impress the peahen as much as possible.
View moreApart from displaying his feathers and train, he will also guard his territory and make loud noise to ward off other males.
View moreThey will lay their eggs in the afternoon in most cases.
View moreInstead, there will have a minimum of two and can comfortably have as many as five female partners.
View moreEvery year, the male peafowl will replenish his feathers - no wonder the color always stays so good!
View moreAmsterdam has city poets who will write and read a poem at your funeral.
View moreIf somebody dies in Amsterdam and is not claimed by any friends or relatives, then they will receive a burial from the state in Amsterdam.
View moreFor those eagle-eyed observers, you will also notice how many of the thin canal-front houses have hooks at their tops.
View moreIf you've ever been to Amsterdam then you will know you can't walk for more than five minutes without crossing a bridge or seeing a canal!
View moreAs those who are lucky enough to have visited Amsterdam will tell you, there are bicycles everywhere!
View moreStock is an investment that people pay to a company because they believe that that company will make money.
View moreThe higher the stock share price goes, the more shares the company will usually sell, meaning that more money will be available.
View moreThe reverse is usually true as well: The lower the stock share price goes, the less shares the company will usually sell and the the less will be coming in.
View moreYou will have an opportunity to buy and sell stocks someday.
View moreWhether it be white, milk, dark or other more rare varieties (all will be revealed later on), everyone loves to sit down and have a square or 10.
View moreThey will find burrows or caves and fall into a deep sleep until the weather becomes ware enough for them.
View moreA medley relay consists of four swimmers who will each swim a different stroke, ordered as backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle.
View moreFirstly, we will visit to London, UK.
View moreCertainly not a country most people will visit during their lifetime, but for those in search of something different, it's a great choice.
View morePalau is a small island located southeast of the Philippines, you will find deep blue waters and bright blue skies at this gorgeous destination.
View moreFrom the hustle and bustle of Wall Street to a relaxing carriage ride through Central Park, you will have the experience of a lifetime.
View moreThis city has sights which any historian or archaeologist will love.
View moreNo matter which continent, avid travelers will be guaranteed a good time.
View moreThese vehicles here will of course be forever out of reach for the average Joe like me and you.
View moreBut the technology these vehicles are producing and pioneering will eventually (hopefully) filter down to "normal" vehicles like the ones we all can afford, albeit slightly less fancy and probably a dumbed down version.
View moreKeep your eyes peeled because I promise you another vehicle will be along any minute now that blows these cars out of the water.
View moreIn Churchill, Canada, residents will leave their cars, and sometimes their homes unlocked as an escape for people who need to escape from a polar bear.
View moreAll this, whilst allowing you to look anywhere in the world at any point in time, and yet you will still always go straight to your street first.
View moreGoogle often settles many arguments in my house and here we are going to look at some mind-boggling facts that will make you want to work, use and learn about Google even more!
View moreEvgeny Morozov summarizes it better than I ever could "A lot of the geeks in Silicon Valley will tell you they no longer believe in the ability of policymakers in Washington to accomplish anything.
View moreZebras will also mate with donkeys and produce "zonkeys".
View moreBelow you will see a timeline of these achievements.
View moreSince 2010 Google has been working on driverless cars but in 2012 their self-driving car transported its first user, a blind man, and say their self-driving car will be available to the public in less than 5 years.
View moreIn this same year, Nissan and Mercedes stated they will commercialize the driverless car by 2020.
View moreIf you write a letter to Santa and send it to the North Pole, H0HoHo, Canada, you will receive a letter back from Santa!
View moreThe health service in Australia includes doctors who will visit remote areas by helicopter.
View moreWhatever happens, I can guarantee Samsung will carry on leading the charge for innovation and new technology.
View moreYou will find more kangaroos than you will humans!
View moreYou won't find it in Australia, but you will find the same fast-food chain but under the name of Hungry Jack's.
View moreAt first glance, Bitcoin may sound confusing, however below are ten facts that will truly explain in layman's terms what exactly bitcoin is and how it came to be.
View moreThe city has hosted multiple international events, including the Summer Olympics (1964), the G7 Summit (1979, 1986, and 1993), and will host the 2020 Summer Olympics and the 2020 Summer Paralympics.
View more"Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth".
View moreIt's far more likely that you the car-buyer or house-buyer will have to borrow money from a bank (or a friend) in order to buy that house or car.
View moreIf you're new to this beverage or a lifelong drinker, then these facts on green tea will have you reaching for the kettle!
View moreThe shoots produced will be harvested three times a year.
View moreAfter harvesting the leaves will be stored at low temperatures, before a thorough drying period and blending and packaging for distribution.
View moreIt can also be stored until the next year's harvest where it will sell for a higher price.
View moreWith non-terminal revenues totaling about 23% for 2018, an increase of about 9% over the previous year, it's possible that the company will continue to search for other ways to generate revenue into the future.
View moreAt fault lines the rocks are sliding past each other and will eventually cause a crack in the Earth's surface.
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